
Little wonder we stumble in life.


One Lovely Blog Award – Nominee!

I’ve heard of this. Though I am shocked (but pleased) that I was nominated. So thank you, sphrbn!


Here are the rules of this award:

1. I need to thank the person who nominated me.

2. Share 7 things about myself that you still may not know

3. Nominate 15 bloggers.

4. Notify the nominees that I have done so.

5. Put the logo of the award on my blog site.

And now here are 7 things that you probably don’t know about me;

1. I studied Japanese for three years in high school, and then another was tutored in it, but I don’t count that last year, because I don’t think it kept me up to the same speed.

2. I started writing fiction when I was fourteen, but I sucked back then. I just didn’t quit.

3. I have been moving houses since I was kid, as my family has never owned any of the places we lived. I never minded leaving people behind, unlike my polar-opposite sister.

4. I have attended around seven schools in my lifetime.

5. I always wanted to learn surfing in Australia, but my first surfing lesson was in Hawaii.

6. I’m half-American, but I often joke about America, preferring my Australian heritage.

7. I prefer having a fake tree on Christmas, because I think the tradition of cutting down real trees is damaging to the environment and I hate the smell of fresh pine.

My Nominees are:

Only Fragments

I Think In Comics

Kristen Lamb

Ambler Angel

Madison Woods

the news with nipples


Photo Lord

Classic Confusion


Mikalee Byerman


Sarcasm Society


fossils and shit