
Little wonder we stumble in life.

One Lovely Blog Award – Nominee!


I’ve heard of this. Though I am shocked (but pleased) that I was nominated. So thank you, sphrbn!


Here are the rules of this award:

1. I need to thank the person who nominated me.

2. Share 7 things about myself that you still may not know

3. Nominate 15 bloggers.

4. Notify the nominees that I have done so.

5. Put the logo of the award on my blog site.

And now here are 7 things that you probably don’t know about me;

1. I studied Japanese for three years in high school, and then another was tutored in it, but I don’t count that last year, because I don’t think it kept me up to the same speed.

2. I started writing fiction when I was fourteen, but I sucked back then. I just didn’t quit.

3. I have been moving houses since I was kid, as my family has never owned any of the places we lived. I never minded leaving people behind, unlike my polar-opposite sister.

4. I have attended around seven schools in my lifetime.

5. I always wanted to learn surfing in Australia, but my first surfing lesson was in Hawaii.

6. I’m half-American, but I often joke about America, preferring my Australian heritage.

7. I prefer having a fake tree on Christmas, because I think the tradition of cutting down real trees is damaging to the environment and I hate the smell of fresh pine.

My Nominees are:

Only Fragments

I Think In Comics

Kristen Lamb

Ambler Angel

Madison Woods

the news with nipples


Photo Lord

Classic Confusion


Mikalee Byerman


Sarcasm Society


fossils and shit

Author: littlewonder2

A writer in the making, I am learning Japanese, studied Creative Writing in university, and dabble in both fanfiction and original fiction.

5 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog Award – Nominee!

  1. Congrats! 🙂
    Very well deserved! 🙂
    Interesting 7 things about you!
    I spent my year so far first in US and then in Aus, and I’m still not sure which place I liked better and why! You have both the lineages! That must be an interesting mix! 🙂

    Take care and stay lovely!


  2. Congrats. I wish I had known a little Japanese when I was there last week so I’m jealous of your skill. Thanks for the nod. 🙂

  3. Thank you for nominating me Ashley. I enjoyed reading your list of things. It seems we have a few in common – I too do not mind leaving people when I move, I have a polar opposite sister, and I also don’t like cutting down the tree at Christmas (but I do love live ones and like to buy it in a pot and plant it when I’m done).

    What is it about Australia that you like more? I’m curious because I’ve never had the opportunity to know the differences between this an any other country.

  4. Thanks so much for the nod Little Wonder! I so appreciate your comments. I hear you on the moves- I like to get up and go myself!

  5. What a quirky/charming/wonderful list of facts! I will agree with you about the Christmas tree — but not because of the smell. Rather, I have an irrational fear of my house burning down because of a tree! 😉

    Thank you SO MUCH for the nomination!

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